
What are the biggest drawbacks of using air mattresses with foam in?

The biggest drawback of having foam in a mattress is keeping it clean. The foam in a mattress is rather like the tyres on a car; it is what provides essential comfort that we would never be without, but it is a wearing part.

When the tyres on your car wear out or you get a puncture, you don’t hold back from replacing them. The foam in a mattress is the same and will occasionally need replacing too.

We try to prevent the need for replacement by using OSKA V-GUARD covers on our mattresses. These covers maximise the lifespan by providing a strong barrier against all those nasties! OSKA V-GUARD is one of the most durable pressure care fabrics available. It is exceptionally strong whilst still having excellent breathing and stretch qualities which is essential for microclimate management and shear reduction.

It is important to look after your OSKA V-GUARD cover by following the cleaning guidelines and ensuring it is not pierced with any sharp objects. If the cover is compromised you risk fluid passing though to the mattress foam. If this happens you may be able to get it decontaminated rather than replacing it. This depends on the severity of the contamination.

To prolong the life of your air and foam mattress we advise getting it serviced annually.

For more information on our OSKA V-GUARD covers please contact our pressure care experts or for servicing enquiries please contact our servicing team.